Welcome to the AnimeSelections, where we provide in-depth reviews and recommendations for all your favorite anime. Our blog posts are filled with creative and engaging content that will keep you entertained and informed. Whether you're a seasoned anime fan or new to the genre, our blog has something for everyone. From summaries and reviews of popular anime series to discussions about upcoming releases, we cover it all. And if you want us to review an anime we haven't we will watch it for you and give a proper summary so you can decide whether watch or not.Join the conversation by leaving your own reviews and comments on each blog post. Stay updated with the latest news and insights in the world of anime. Happy reading!

Tifa from Overwatch
Tifa from Overwatch


Amazing blog! I love how detailed and informative the reviews are. It really helps me decide which anime to watch next.

This blog is a treasure trove of anime recommendations. It's my go-to source for discovering new shows.

I appreciate the comment section on each blog post. It's great to see what other fans think about the anime I'm interested in.

The reviews on this blog are spot-on. They provide a good balance of objective analysis and personal opinion.